With just 1 week left in our Ecology unit, we're getting ready to switch gears and start looking towards the sky in our Astronomy unit! Please bookmark this page for easy reference throughout the month of May.
Click here to access our Ecology Study Stack for vocabulary review!
Thursday, May 5th Smarter Balance Assessments, day 1
Friday, May 13th Solar System Hike (field trip) Info below
Wednesday, May 25th Smarter Balance Assessments, day 2
Thursday, May 26th MAP testing
Monday, May 30th Memorial Day (no school)
Saturday, June 4th 3rd Grade Family Camp-out~ Info below
And now, for some details...
May 13th field trip
We will depart from CHPCS at 7:00am. Please have your student on campus by 6:45 a.m. so that we are ready to leave on time! Students should meet in front of the school. We are expected to return from Eugene around 5:00. IF we are going to be late (traffic, etc.), I will use ClassDojo Messenger to contact parents. Please sign up to receive sms or email alerts.
We will begin our day at The Science Factory with a live planetarium show. After a quick snack, we will walk across the park to Alton Baker Park. Starting at the sun, we hike a 3.7 mile trail, following a scale model of our solar system. We stop at each planet for an exploration activity before moving on. After arriving at Pluto, we will begin our journey home. We leave Eugene about 3:00pm. I currently have 5 parents signed up for this trip. I would like at least 6, more is even better. If you can help us out, please sign up HERE or email me ASAP. Thanks!
Students should dress in either regular uniform or CHPCS field trip t-shirts. We are walking the entire way, so comfortable shoes are needed! Hopefully the weather will be beautiful, but it is Oregon, so plan accordingly. Sunscreen or a hat are advised. Each student needs to bring a lunch, 2 snacks (it’s a LONG day!) and a water bottle. Because we are carrying everything with us, I highly recommend packing lunches in disposable bags that can be thrown away when finished. Everything must fit in a backpack that your student can carry all day. Parent volunteers are NOT sherpas! Students may bring a camera (at own risk). No other electronics are allowed. They may bring a book, drawing paper, or other activity for the bus ride. June 4th Family Camp-out
WHERE: Milo McIver State Park at the Kingfisher Group Site (see directions on back)
WHEN: Saturday, June 4th.
We can check-in at 4:00pm. Check OUT is noon on Sunday. We will have a potluck dinner at 7:00pm. After dinner there will be a campfire with s’mores, games in the field, and time to explore the trails and park before dark. We will begin Stargazing as soon as it gets dark! Families who choose not to stay overnight are welcome to attend the evening activities.
WHO: All 3rd grade families and family members! Students must be
accompanied by a responsible adult. A student may accompany another family with written permission from their parent.
WHAT: Please bring whatever camping and cooking gear your family
to needs. Dinner will be potluck, but all other snacks/meals are
bring up to you. Please sign up on the Volunteer Spot for the dish or items that you will bring for the potluck. Feel free to bring games, balls, frisbees, etc too.
What: Please, no animals, alcohol, drugs, firearms, or tobacco products. Also, students NOT should not bring personal electronic devices (ds, ipod, tablets, etc.) Cameras are
Bring ok, of course!
WHY: Astronomy is always a favorite unit in 3rd grade, but it can be
tough to stargaze and look for constellations inside a classroom in the middle of the day! As our school year draws to a close, let’s have a great time together to celebrate our achievements and our learning about astronomy!
COST: Costs for this event were paid by 2015-16 Student Activity Fees. Thank you!
Please send a Dojo message or write the number 22 (as in Days of school left!!) in your child's planner for a Teamwork dojo point!
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